Strengthen your path of healing and success.

Every morning I pick a card from my Visionary card deck to work with and I paint the card in a small sketchbook.

When I start painting,the messages from a divine master begin to flow.

Receiving the messages from paint has been a welcome change over Christmas, and it’s steered me away from only using my mind to receive information.

After years of meditation practice, I know that the mind can be a bit of a trickste,r and it likes to keep you safe by repeating the same old stories.

The mind will tell you what you want to hear, but paint and tapping into your pyschic senses will tell you what you need to know.

This morning,I shuffled my deck, and I asked to work with a divine master that was for the highest benefit of me and the highest benefit of all.

Lumarai the mother snake, popped out, and I got my inks and brushes and just listened.

Who is Lumarai the Mother Snake?

I am Lumarai the Mother snake and I want to tell you an aborginal creation story.

I lay asleep in the center of the earth for a very long time. 

I awoke from the void and followed my creation instinct. 

As I slithered across the Earth I woke the elemental, mineral and plant kingdoms.

I whispered to the animal kingdom it was time to wake up. 

I let them know a new dawn has arrived

I dipped my nose in the flat plains of the desert and made mountains and valleys.

I brought colour and life to where there was once darkness

I sprinkled my yellow ochre dust along songlines. (Do all people know what you talk about) 

I healed the land with my ancient songs

I nurtured the waters with reverberations from my hiss. 

I brought heart and love to places that had forgotten what it was to love. 

What messages did Lumarai bring through the paint?

Lumarai suggested an opportunity to start something new has arisen

I had the chance to seed a new creation through my art and my words but first she encouraged me to cleanse my emotional body of negative thinking and financial burdens.

She is the snake of transformation and with her help she guides you towards idyllic states of peace, harmony and love and to a place where all your dreams and wishes come true.

How cleansing your emotional body can bring you success.

As you cleanse your emotional body your vision of success and healing gets clearer, and more creative energy and love can pour through.

Your focus can be directed towards maturing the emotional body, for example if you tend to get stuck in a victim mentality or states of restrction focus on transforming the states into higher levels of happiness and creativity.

As you practice shifting emotional states soon that abundance will appear throughout your life.

The emotional body holds your next level of divinity, your waters can become sacred as you purify them.

Its part of your journey on earth to evolve and mature your emotions . You’re meant to raise your consciousness and change as you go through life.

What is the purpose of a water ritual?

A ritual for me is about getting clear on my intention, desired feelings and visions and then asking Mother Earth and the higher realms to support me in its manifestation.

Everything starts as a seed in your own mind and ritual give you a chance to plant the seed and let it grow and bloom in a way that is for the highest benefit of all beings.

This ritual is about cleansing the emotional body so I choose to ask water for its support and I gave the waters on the slieve Mish mountain a gift as a return for her help.

Water is healing, its purifying and even the sounds of water can strengthen your auric fields and energy fields.

Water Ritual on the Slieve Mish Mountain

“Mis is the original wild woman, that archetypal madwoman who lives deep within each of us. She speaks for us all: for the rage which we cannot express, for the grief which eats our heart out, for the voices we have suppressed out of fear.” Sharon Blackie

I choose to go to the Slieve Mis Mountain as Mis is a very powerful mountain with myth attached to her.

Mountains are considered a sacred place for ritual and water is a conduit to the Otherworld.

I felt cleansed after my Water ritual as it was a reminder to keep tuning into the transformational and healing power of water as I move through 2024.

I hope you enjoyed hearing about how I use the transformational power of my Visionary Cards and ritual to heal the emotional body.

If you feel inspired by this blog and wanted to ask any questions or book a Visionary Card Reading please send me a message here.






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