Heal your money wound

What is a money wound?

A money wound is a relationship that you have with money that leaves you feeling powerless, scattered, fearful and in shock .

The wound is activated when you get unexpected bills, when you don't feel seen in relationships or when the path ahead is unclear.

The money wound isnt dependant on how much money you have in the bank.

You may have a lot of money but still feel powerless, ungrounded and fearful with it. 

The money wound can impact your connection to your desires and cuts you off from feeling nourished by life. 

The money wound can be held physically or somatically in the body from past trauma, generational or ancestral lack. The money wound can be linked to your core relationships or occupation. 

Your money wound can interact with other areas of your life and leaves you feeling depleted

If you feel powerless, ungrounded and scattered its harder for loving energies to connect with you. 

I had been healing my trauma and my connection to my inner mother for years and then I started to heal the money wound with the divine feminine and I tended to the wound by giving my money wound the attention and healing it needed. 

One day earlier this year I was doing belief systems work around money when I heard my inner self say 

''It's pink money''  I asked what pink money was and I started free writing the answer

The Pink money mindset is about seeing money as a Divine feminine energy that wants to connect with you. 

As you empower your relationship to money and the Divine Feminine energy within through loving kindness meditation and grounding. 

Tending regularly to the money wound means the pressure that you feel will  start to release

As the pressure releases you’ll see that that true abundance is received through healthy relationships, art and nature. 

Source energy flows through everything, not just through money. 

As you tend to the money wound a money goddess starts to rise from within. 

As you heal your relationship to money your self respect, self value and reverence for your gifts starts to naturally increase. 

This in turn magnetises new opportunities and resources to you at the center of your life and you know the high value of your gifts.
Its pink money magic.


The money goddess + the inner mother


Learn how to see in the dark